Featured Ministry: LGBTQ+ All Saints

Happy Pride Month, All Saint’s Church!

To launch our month long celebration, the All Saints LGBTQ+ Visioning Team invites you to participate in “Your Voice Matters! An LGBTQ+ & Ally Parish Wide Survey.”

Building on one of our core All Saints values — Radical Inclusion — this survey seeks to discover how well All Saints Church is ministering to and with the LGBTQ+ community and how we can improve. We encourage both the LGBTQ+ members of our community and their allies to share their voices. From the survey intro:

  • As we continue to evolve as a parish that affirms and welcomes all people, we want to be able to serve LGBTQ+ people in the many ministries available at All Saints Church. This survey is designed to improve these ministries so that we can continue to be a resourceful, prayerful and collaborative beloved community.

The survey can be found on Survey Monkey here. It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and will remain open through June 30th.

Please participate, share and help us continue to grow into God’s future! And … on Sunday, June 2nd visit our Featured Ministry table on the lawn to connect with members of the LGBTQ+ Vision Team, get information about upcoming events and opportunities, join the LGBTQ+ Ministry email list — and get cool Pride Stickers!

For more information about LGBTQ+ All Saints visit our webpages or contact Christine Cox at 626.583.2765 or ccox@allsaints-pas.org.
