Featured Ministry: LGBTQ+ Ministry

This Pride Sunday, June 12, our featured ministry will be LGBTQ+ Ministry.

Here at All Saints Church we believe that being gay, transgender, or queer in any way is not a sin, but an expression of the wonderful diversity of God’s creation. All members of the LGBTQ+ community are welcomed and affirmed here, and we strive to be a place of joy and healing, particularly for those who have been rejected by the church because of who they are or who they love.

Our time together is meant to celebrate the Spirit of Joy that dwells in all of us. We also understand that Joy and Pride can be problematic in a culture that tells us we are less than others and that our lives don’t matter. And so this year, it is more important than ever that we celebrate LGBTQ+ lives and live our history as we organize and mobilize to continue to change the future.

Please take some time to check out the LGBTQ+ Ministry’s webpage at https://allsaints-pas.org/ministries/lgbtq-at-all-saints/, and browse through the incredible list of resources linked to it.
