Featured Ministry: Worship Services Volunteers

This week we feature our Worship Services Volunteer Ministry, which includes Altar Guild, Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes, Music, the Sunday Morning Food Ministry and much more!

Altar Guild – Would you enjoy preparing our beautiful altars for Sunday services? Would caring for exquisite silver and linen interest you? If so, we would love for you to join the Altar Guild! We work in small teams of 3 or 4 members. We have shifts available before and after the 9:00 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. services. Contact Melissa Hayes at mhayes@allsaints-pas.org or 626583.2725.

Ushers – Ushers are needed for the 9:00 a.m. and especially the 11:30 a.m. services! Ushering at All Saints is a team effort and fun especially for those who enjoy meeting new people and/or get antsy sitting still for more than 10 min. The commitment is to serve one service a month at either the 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. services plus about 6 special assignments throughout the year for evening and Festival services. We would love to add you to the team! Contact Melissa Hayes at mhayes@allsaints-pas.org or 626583.2725.

Readers – We use lay readers weekly for our Lessons and Prayers. And we have a number of opportunities throughout the year for dramatic readers to participate in Gospel Dramas, pageants, etc. Contact Melissa Hayes at mhayes@allsaints-pas.org or 626583.2725.

Bringing Oblations (bread and wine) to Altar – For your birthday, anniversary, or in memory of a loved one – or any Sunday. After offering these “oblations” to the priest at the altar, you stand in the circle with the other ministers for the Eucharistic prayer, receive communion, and then return to your seat. You may do this with your family, a partner or be paired with someone else. Contact Marianne Ryan at marianneryan1014@gmail.com.

Lay Eucharistic Minister or Healer – Help serve communion or provide hands on healing during the service. Training available for both. Contact Melissa Hayes at mhayes@allsaints-pas.org or 626583.2725.

Singing in a Choir – The Music Ministry Would Like to Extend an Invitation to All Choral Enthusiasts Who Wish to Learn More About the Adult Choirs Here at All Saints Church. We are dedicated to providing a mutually supportive fellowship for all choir members, reflecting the All Saints belief in the dignity and value of the individual. We also value providing leadership in worship, enriching and enhancing the liturgy through the offering of high-quality music from ancient plainsong to gospel music. The community at All Saints is about radical inclusion, and our choir community is no exception. If you enjoy singing and would like to set up an audition, please contact Weicheng Zhao, Director of Music, at wzhao@allsaints-pas.org.

To see more volunteer opportunities for worship visit their webpage at https://allsaints-pas.org/worship-volunteer/.

If you have questions, contact Amanda at amccormick@allsaints-pas.org.
