Healing as a Revolutionary Act: February 6

Join us on Saturday, February 6 from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. for an important conversation on the nexus of two pandemics: COVID-19 and Racism.  Fr. Michael Lapsley and Healing of Memories facilitators will each share reflections on ways they have been impacted by the current moment, and on their journeys of healing while working for justice.  The panel will include China Gerstner, Karen Hayes, Patti Prickett, Sally Roberts, and Lynndi Scott. Participants will take away ideas for self-care, detoxification and healing. 

While this is not itself a Healing of Memories (HOM) workshop, we will share our experience of the HOM workshop process.

Space is limited to 50 participants; please register here.

Background:  Father Michael Lapsley, SSM, founded the Institute for the Healing of Memories to provide those who could not appear before South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission an opportunity to share their experiences and be acknowledged for their suffering during the apartheid years.  Since the 1990s, the Institute has provided workshops internationally, enabling people from different ethnic and identity groups and religions to cope with challenges and circumstances including HIV/ AIDS, and gender, racial and ethnic violence.  In 2013 Father Michael received the Andrew Murray & Desmond Tutu Prize for his memoir ‘Redeeming the Past – My Journey from Freedom Fighter to Healer.’
