Hear Our Voices: Youth & Children’s Choir Concert | May 20

Join us on Sunday, May 20 at 5:00 p.m. for the annual Spring Concert celebrating our amazing young musicians in a concert completely designed by our children and youth — with music by the Troubadours, Youth Chamber Choir, Vox Cambiata & Trouvères.

Director Jenny Tisi wrote: “The voices of children and youth are so inspiring — both spoken and sung — that this year I decided to have them create their own concert. This concert will feature their chosen favorites over the past seven years — and they have written their own stories, found their own quotes, and put together this concert. You will be incredibly moved. Come join us to hear the Troubadours, Trouvères, Vox Cambiata and Youth Chamber Choir.”

Childcare is provided. $5 suggested donation.
Can’t join us in person? Join us via live stream.
Questions? Call 626.583.2733 or email Christina Ortega xortega@allsaints-pas.org
