How Did We Get Here? A Deep Dive into the History of Palestine and Israel

On Sunday, April 7, from 12:00 Noon-2:00 p.m. in the Church.

The Hamas-engineered massacre of October 7, 2023 stunned and shocked Israel and the Jewish world to the core. It triggered a massive Israeli response that has reduced large parts of northern Gaza to rubble. Supporters of Israel and the Palestinians are more bitterly divided than ever, around the world. What are the roots of today’s conflict? And what does it portend for the future of the region?

To gain insight into this latest stage in a brutal and divisive conflict that has ebbed and flowed for over a century, All Saints Church, the Muslim Public Affairs Council – MPAC and the The Leonard I. Beerman Foundation for Peace and Justice are sponsoring a conversation on the history of the conflict with Dr. Hussein Ibish and Prof. David N. Myers.

In a lively back-and-forth discussion, Ibish and Myers Meyers will provide a thoughtful look at the history and interpretation of two opposing movements: Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism. This conversation will provide a dual-lens perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the eyes of Jews and Arabs. The discussion will focus on three main trigger points in the relationship: 1917, 1947-48, and 1967 … and then the events of October 7, 2023 and beyond.

Dr. Hussein Ibish is a Senior Resident Scholar at the The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. He is a weekly columnist for The National and previously served as a Senior Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine. Prof. David N. Myers is Distinguished Professor and Sady and Ludwig Kahn Chair of Jewish History at UCLA. The author and editor of many books, he directs the UCLA Luskin Center for History and Policy and the UCLA Initiative to Study Hate.

Join us for this important opportunity to learn from renowned experts. All are welcome!

All Saints Church is at 132 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena 91101, across Euclid from Pasadena City Hall.
