On January 20th We March!

The Women’s Community of All Saints Church is organizing an All Saints presence at the 2nd Annual Women’s March being held in Downtown LA. on Saturday, January 20th. The more the merrier – men, women, children; his, hers and theirs; wherever you find yourself on the spectrum of the human family there is a place for you here!

From the Women’s March LA website:

It’s not too late to be a part of history and we need you … together we will show the power of our collective voice! We recognize that there is no true peace, freedom, or inclusion without equity for all. Our event on January 20th will feature music, art, community booths, and speakers in a shared voice of resistance with advocacy aligned with the national Women’s March Unity Principles: ending violence, protection of reproductive rights, LGBTQIA rights, workers’ rights, civil rights, disability rights, immigrant rights, Indigenous people’s rights and environmental justice.

As you may recall last year, more than 750,000 people took to the streets in DTLA. We hope that the same will be true this Saturday — and we want to be part of making history happen as we stand together. For more about the March in general, visit the Women’s March LA website 

For more about the plans for the All Saints presence, see below:

WHERE & WHEN: Marchers will meet at All Saints Church at 6:45 a.m. — departing promptly at 7:00am (or earlier if everyone has gathered) for the Holly Street Metro Station.

TAP CARD: As we expect that there will be lines to both buy a TAP card and to get on the train, please purchase a TAP card prior to Saturday and have it loaded with enough funds to get you to/from DTLA. If you have a TAP card and don’t know if it has expired or what the remaining balance you have on your card visit this link to do both. 

BRING A SIGN: Don’t have time to make one? Planned Parenthood SGV is handing out free signs and the Women’s Community will have a limited number of them and have them on hand on Saturday morning. (first come/first served). If you would like to pick one up – contact Planned Parenthood SGV here.

WEAR COMFORTABLE CLOTHES AND SHOES and EAT AND HYDRATE: Bring water and a snack as getting to a place to purchase food/water may be difficult.

RSVP — Organizers want to know who is coming, who to wait for, etc. so please RSVP via e-mail — aubinelizwilson@gmail.com — by phone at: 626.590.6527 — or visit the Women’s Community FB page.

Together, as one, we shall overcome and be the change we want to see in the world.
