Director, Children’s and Youth Music

Jenny Tisi has been Director of the Children’s and Youth Choirs at All Saints Church since 2011. Previously, as certified public school music teacher, Jenny served 22 years teaching music in New York and Washington state. At All Saints, she currently directs 6 children’s and youth choirs, grades PreK – 12.

As a performer, Jenny has sung with some of the top choirs in the country, including Seattle Pro Musica, where she served as soprano section leader, choir vocal coach, and is a featured soloist on 5 of Seattle Pro Musica’s nationally released CDs. Although she enjoys singing solo literature, singing early choral music is her passion. She has had the pleasure of singing in the Mormon Tabernacle, Benaroya Hall, Lincoln Center, and Carnegie Hall. She currently sings with the Donald Brinegar Singers and continues to study voice privately.

As a conductor, she has also been a guest clinician for several honor choirs. Jenny also served as the Repertoire and Standards chair for Washington ACDA for Children’s and Youth Choirs. She has also served as a mentor to many beginning music teachers, including Andrea Peterson, National Teacher of the Year, 2007.

Jenny holds a Bachelor’s Degree from SUNY Fredonia in Vocal Music Education, a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies from SUNY Stony Brook, and is entering her last year in the Masters in Choral Conducting program at Cal State LA. Her masters thesis will be on The Formation of a Peace and Social Justice Children’s and Youth Church Choir Program.
