Join Us for Juggling Jeff on Joy Sunday!

“Rejoice in God always; again, I will say, Rejoice!”

Sunday December 16 – the Third Sunday of Advent — is Joy Sunday. And at All Saints Church we take our cue from these words from Philippians. It is time to reach for the joy! And oh, are we going to do that.

This Sunday, we welcome as preacher and forum leader “Juggling Jeff” Koziatek — who Mike Kinman describes as “a dear friend and one of the truly most joyful people I have ever met.”

Mike first met Jeff doing green shows as a juggler at a Shakespeare festival and says he had never seen anyone draw such joy out of a crowd of people — quickly became one of his kid’s favorite people. As they became friends and collaborators on various projects, including a series of short films, Mike got to know him as a person of deep faith and love – a faith and love that comes to joyful life in his speaking and performing.

Jeff will be with us as our preacher (though it won’t be like any preaching you’ve ever experienced) at the 9 and 11:15 services and it promises to be an explosion of joy you will not soon forget! In between services, we will have an inter-generational “Rector’s forum” on the lawn where Jeff will treat us to one of his “Juggling Jeff shows,” which are guaranteed to delight all ages.

God is love. God is joy. Come be a part of the love and joy this Sunday at All Saints.

Jamie Barnett will preach at 7:30 a.m., and Carlos Ruvalcaba preaches at the 1:00 p.m. Spanish language service. At 9 and 11:15 a.m., Coventry Choir offers Magnificat and Beati quorum by Stanford – joined by the Minisingers and Mastersingers at 9:00 with Just Be Happy by Pinkzebra. Dan Cole and the 1pm Ensemble lead the music at 1:00 p.m.

Then plan to return at 5:00 p.m. for our Advent Evening Service where our youth take the lead with the Trouvères, Youth Chamber Choir, Vox Cambiata and Canterbury Choir offering music of Hella Johnson, Arnesen, Lauridsen, Howells, and Ivory, and youth leader Adelaide Esseln in the pulpit.

Don’t miss any part of what promises to be an exceedingly joyful Joy Sunday at All Saints Church!
