Lenten Meditation: Day Eight

My Lenten book group is reading the Pope’s Encyclical on Climate Change and Inequality.” In Latin, the Official title is: Laudoto Si, mi’ Signore – a quote from his chosen namesake that translates to “Praise be to you my Lord.” I must confess that if I were writing a book on this topic, its title would be more along the lines of “Oh my God! What now?!” or “Dear Lord, we’re all doomed!”

I am offering this meditation, because I believe there is both spiritual and practical value in the change of emphasis offered by the Pope’s title.

Everything I have read about climate change suggests that if humankind is to do anything meaningful to address this crisis, it will require a renewed sense of reverence for God’s creation. Rather than focusing on the material things we may have to give up, we should focus on the incalculable value of the things we have already begun to lose.

Our former Rector was of the opinion that “giving up” things for Lent had little to offer in terms of spiritual growth, and he often suggested that we “take on” something new instead.

My spiritual task for Lent is to take on (and try to maintain!) an attitude of praise and thanksgiving for “…our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains us and governs us…”

Today’s Daily Lenten Meditation is by Bob Whitson, vestry member and chair of our Climate Change Task Force. Watch for daily postings from All Saints Church as we take the forty day journey to Easter together.
