Let Our Generosity Fill Us with Joy!

As All Saints Church continues to live into its legacy as a center of love, joy and justice, it does so on the wings of generosity: generosity in forgiveness; generosity in our actions; generosity in our words and generosity in sharing our financial resources. Our “Joy Filled Generosity” theme for this year’s giving campaign is a call to embrace that generosity with joy as together we pledge our financial support to this Gospel work we have been given to do.

Amazing Joy — Amazing Generosity
Make a Pledge Here

Over the years and up to the present, All Saints has been a place of amazing joy for so many of us. Christmas, Easter, and Sundays throughout the year, we’ve experienced a spirit filled joy that enlivens us and the people around us. We’ve also been part of a wonderfully generous community that has helped found numerous community-transforming services such as Union Station, Young and Healthy, GAIA, AIDS Service Center and others. And we’ve been the home to the Office of Creative Connections, Safe Haven, the Food Pantry and many more. All Saints has always been a faith community committed to Amazing Generosity that helps spread Amazing Joy.

Thank you!

For assistance of any kind with your giving, please contact Richard Felton, Interim Director of Giving and Stewardship, at rfelton@allsaints-pas.org or 626.583.2736.
