All Saints Church has been in the forefront of the struggle for LGBTQ+ inclusion in our church and equality in our nation for decades. The following are some recommended resources for further reading, study and inspiration. Suggestions for additional resources are welcome and should be sent to


“But the Bible says …”: Liberating ourselves from the Bible as a weapon of exclusion — A video version of a presentation by the Reverend Susan Russell exploring the various “clobber passages” misused to oppress and marginalize LGBTQ+ people.

What the Bible Says and Doesn’t Say About Homosexuality — A PDF version of a presentation by the Reverend Dr. Mel White digging deep into the texts and contexts of the biblical texts frequently cited to justify discrimination against LGBTQ+ people. Turns out there’s more to them than meets the eye.

Episcopal Church

How We Got From There To Here — A 2021 video overview of the history of the Episcopal Church’s engagement with LGBTQ+ inclusion

A Tribute to Louie Crew Clay — A 2015 video tribute to the work and witness of Louie Crew Clay — founder of IntegrityUSA and pioneer in the LGBTQ+ movement in the Episcopal Church.

To Set Our Hope on Christ –– In 2005 the Anglican Communion requested from the Episcopal Church “a contribution which explains, from within the sources of authority that we as Anglicans have received in scripture, the apostolic tradition and reasoned reflection, how a person living in a same gender union may be considered eligible to lead the flock of Christ.” This is that response.

LGBTQ in the Church “To our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender brothers, sisters and siblings: “The Episcopal Church welcomes you!” — link to our denominational LGBTQ page on The Episcopal Church website.

Claiming the Blessing — Convened in 2002 to help move the Episcopal Church forward on the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments the Claiming the Blessing website is a great resource for the history of the movement for LGBTQ+ equality in the Episcopal Church.

History of LGBTQ+ Affirming Legislation in the Episcopal Church — Decisions for the Episcopal Church are made for the whole church by our General Convention, which meets every three years. This history of how the church has moved forward legislatively covers 1976- 2018.

All Saints Church

God, Sex and Justice, Part One — In 1992 then rector George Regas began offering the church’s blessing to same-sex couples … far ahead of the curve for the rest of the Episcopal Church. This video was created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of those first blessings with the story of the rector who made that historic step and the parish members who pushed him to do it.

FAQs About Jesus, the Bible & LGBTQ People — A FAQ sheet originally prepared for outreach at PRIDE events by All Saints staffer Susan Russell.


Pronouns 101 — An essay and podcast by Hannah Earnshaw unpacking the power of pronouns to correctly acknowledge each other as the beautiful, complicated children of God we have been created to be.

Voices of Witness: Out of the Box — The 2012 groundbreaking documentary giving voice to the witness of transgender people of faith courageously telling their stories of hope, healing and wholeness. [produced here at All Saints Church for Integrity USA by parishioner Louise Emerson Brooks.]

TransEpiscopal – TransEpiscopal is a group of transgender and allied Episcopalians dedicated to fostering the full embrace of trans and non-binary people, and our loved ones within the Episcopal Church and to inspiring faith-based advocacy for trans justice in the wider world.

LGBTQ Q&A: “So I get LGBT but I don’t understand the Q. I’ve heard it stands for “questioning” and I’ve also heard it stands for “queer.” So which one is it?”

Blessed Are the Binary Breakers: An excellent resource for transgender Christian theology and history. Avery Smith — non-binary seminary graduate and the mastermind behind both the QueerlyChristian support blog and BlessedAreTheBinaryBreakers — joined us to speak about their work and to discuss a God who is beyond all binaries at the virtual LGBTQ+ Social for All Saints Church Pasadena in May 2020. You can watch that presentation on our YouTube Channel here.

Wider Community Resources

The Trevor Project — Dedicated to saving young LGBTQ lives, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

Los Angeles LGBT Center –Since 1969 the Los Angeles LGBT Center has cared for, championed, and celebrated LGBT individuals and families in Los Angeles and beyond.
