Thomas Diaz (he/him) is a passion-driven INFJ individual. He holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology, emphasizing mindfulness and Buddhist psychology from the University of The West. Thomas is an activist for LGBTQ+ equality, Black Lives Matter, and Immigration justice. Spirituality is another passion of Thomas’s life. Raised in the Roman Catholic church, he always felt a call to explore other faiths and traditions and attended his first Sunday service at All Saints Church in 2013 — officially made All Saints Church his spiritual home in 2018.
Thomas was received into the Episcopal Church by the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2019. He is also involved in other ministries in the wider Episcopal Church, including being an alternate Deputy for the 2022 General Convention. In his spare time, Thomas spends time with his family and enjoys his Uncle/Tio/Godfather’s role to two beautiful nieces.
By Phone: (626) 583-2772