Michelle LeClair in the Rector’s Forum: Sunday, February 3

On Sunday, February 3rd we welcome to the Rector’s Forum best-selling author and All Saints member, Michelle LeClair. Michelle will join us (via Skype) to share her story of escaping Scientology and building a new life with the woman she loves – and how All Saints Church was part of their journey.

Her book, Perfectly Clear: Escaping Scientology is a tell-all memoir of Michelle’s harrowing escape from The Church of Scientology. While struggling with both her sexuality and an abusive marriage, Michelle thrived professionally; building one of the most successful woman owned insurance agencies in the nation.

Then a woman walked into her life and everything became ”perfectly clear.” When All Saints own Tena Clark (known as Charley, in the book) was introduced to Michelle and they fell madly in love it was too much for the church to take. Scientology’s “Black Propaganda campaign” was put into full force against Michelle in an effort to utterly destroy her and her business. An unrepentant LeClair left Scientology in 2011, but her nightmarish battle, was just beginning.

Legal battles ensued for many years to come and she found herself fighting not only to protect her children but her own life and reputation when she was criminally accused of fraud by the State of California. Ultimately the truth prevailed and Michelle is now free to love and to be.

As courageous as it is honest, Perfectly Clear is a compelling story of Michelle’s journey out of Scientology and into building a life with the woman she loves. Come be inspired by her powerful witness! Books will be available for purchase. For more information call 626.796.1172 or email info@allsaints-pas.org

Sunday, February 3, 2019 | 10:15 a.m. in the Forum
