Fiction Fun! is a monthly book group exploring what it means to live lives of faith by reading and discussing contemporary and classic works of fiction.
The group meets on the Fourth Friday of every month, except for the months of November and December when we meet on the third Friday of the month. We meet 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. and all are welcome to join us. We usually meet in the Guild Room, but because of COVID-19 Safer at Home Order we are meeting using a Zoom format. Titles of upcoming books will be announced in This Week at All Saints as well as by email to those on the email list. Vroman’s will have copies of the books selected for the month.
Small Group Facilitators: Cecilia Flynn and Parkes Riley
For more information, please contact:
Amanda McCormick, Administrative Assistant for Congregational Development, Giving, Office for Creative Connections, and Peace & Justice
By Phone: (626) 583-2732
Upcoming Events
Fiction Fun! is a monthly book group exploring what it means to live lives of faith by reading and discussing contemporary and classic works of fiction.
The group meets on the Fourth Friday of every month, except for the months of November and December when we meet on the third Friday of the month. We meet 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. and all are welcome to join us. We usually meet in the Guild Room, but because of COVID-19 Safer at Home Order we are meeting using a Zoom format. Titles of upcoming books will be announced in This Week at All Saints as well as by email to those on the email list. Vroman’s will have copies of the books selected for the month.
Small Group Facilitators: Cecilia Flynn and Parkes Riley
For more information, please contact:
Amanda McCormick, Administrative Assistant for Congregational Development, Giving, Office for Creative Connections, and Peace & Justice
By Phone: (626) 583-2732