The All Saints Lay Counseling Ministry offers up to ten weeks of counseling to members of the All Saints community at no cost with counselors who are trained and supervised by licensed professionals.
Why Lay Counseling?
Life challenges us in ways that are sometimes hard to deal with on our own. We can sometimes navigate these situations by talking to a friend or family member, but sometimes we need more. There is great relief in having a confidential conversation with someone who is trained in the art of compassionate listening and supportive assistance.
Simply call the confidential Direct Request Line listed below. Your call will be received by the intake coordinator who will make an appointment to meet with you by phone and will then connect you with one of our counseling ministers who will fully and deeply discuss your concerns with you in confidence.
For more information, please contact:
Direct Request Line
(626) 583-2706
Thomas Diaz
(626) 583-2772
Harry* was a very good listener. He was also good at prompting me with ideas that allowed me to explore more in depth thoughts and concerns that were on my mind. He is a very compassionate, empathic, and intelligent fellow. He had many valuable suggestions for me. Now that our sessions are completed I miss meeting with him. The next person he takes on is very lucky to have him.
I found my lay counselor to be very caring and exceptionally generous with his time. He was a good listener and a deeply empathic, kind man. The period that I shared with him was the most painful in my life. I was terribly grief-stricken losing a cousin to suicide and then both of my parents within nine months. Thank you for offering the lay counseling ministry. It really was a God-given gift to me. Fred* gave me helpful feedback and a sense of calm to quiet my very jangled nerves.
The intake counselor was open, kind, caring, and made me feel totally comfortable with the process. Thank you to all involved with the All Saints Lay Counseling Ministry. What an important and much-needed way to minister to those like me in need of counseling to be helped through a difficult time. Many thanks to my counselor for generously sharing his time, gifts, and skills.
My lay counseling sessions were quite possibly the most helpful, fruitful times of my life in terms of self-care and self-discovery. I was sad to see them end. Being a few weeks without them now, I am feeling the loss immensely. I greatly appreciate the time that helped me see the need for further counseling, therapy, or spiritual guidance.
My experience with the Lay Counseling Ministry (LCM) was amazingly restorative. I returned from a trip with my husband unable to sleep or control overwhelming panic and fear. I came to church feeling as if my sense of self had been shaken. I went to greet Ed. He read the grief and anxiety that enfolded me and encouraged me to contact the LCM. I was soon in touch with a kind and reassuring counselor. I met weekly with her to do my healing work. Having the experience of doing grief work and anxiety management within my All Saint home was particularly meaningful. LCM was a lifeline for me, a bridge over which I was able to move toward self-understanding, compassion, and healing.
I thought my lay counselor was exceptionally present to the process. Rarely have I worked with a therapist who is so strongly attentive and perceptive. She made space for me to tell my story, be my authentic self, and offered kind guidance and perspective. Amazing! Life changing. Transformative.
I was very pleased with my counselor. She helped me to begin a healing process. Betty* was extremely helpful with situations that I had embedded inside of me since childhood. As a result I have experienced much emotional pain. She helped me unburden most of my guilt and constantly provided additional resources to help me.
A friend introduced me to All Saints Church. Several years ago one of the priests gave my husband a healing shawl. He died unexpectedly at the beginning of this year. We had experienced numerous losses in our lives, but nothing can compare with losing my soul mate. My lay counselor was perceptive, dedicated, and absolutely genuine. She helped me through the darkest nights of my journey, always with gentleness and holiness. Although my journey is just beginning, I am very blessed to have her in my life. She has helped me to start the process of creating a new life while learning to honor my husband’s life and to stay connected with him in a different way. I have not stopped crying daily, so I am far from recovery. But my lay counselor has given me the strength I need to continue. Without her assistance I might be in a psychiatric ward. I am very appreciative of her time and guidance.
Upcoming Events
The All Saints Lay Counseling Ministry offers up to ten weeks of counseling to members of the All Saints community at no cost with counselors who are trained and supervised by licensed professionals.
Why Lay Counseling?
Life challenges us in ways that are sometimes hard to deal with on our own. We can sometimes navigate these situations by talking to a friend or family member, but sometimes we need more. There is great relief in having a confidential conversation with someone who is trained in the art of compassionate listening and supportive assistance.
Simply call the confidential Direct Request Line listed below. Your call will be received by the intake coordinator who will make an appointment to meet with you by phone and will then connect you with one of our counseling ministers who will fully and deeply discuss your concerns with you in confidence.
For more information, please contact:
Direct Request Line
(626) 583-2706
Thomas Diaz
(626) 583-2772
Harry* was a very good listener. He was also good at prompting me with ideas that allowed me to explore more in depth thoughts and concerns that were on my mind. He is a very compassionate, empathic, and intelligent fellow. He had many valuable suggestions for me. Now that our sessions are completed I miss meeting with him. The next person he takes on is very lucky to have him.
I found my lay counselor to be very caring and exceptionally generous with his time. He was a good listener and a deeply empathic, kind man. The period that I shared with him was the most painful in my life. I was terribly grief-stricken losing a cousin to suicide and then both of my parents within nine months. Thank you for offering the lay counseling ministry. It really was a God-given gift to me. Fred* gave me helpful feedback and a sense of calm to quiet my very jangled nerves.
The intake counselor was open, kind, caring, and made me feel totally comfortable with the process. Thank you to all involved with the All Saints Lay Counseling Ministry. What an important and much-needed way to minister to those like me in need of counseling to be helped through a difficult time. Many thanks to my counselor for generously sharing his time, gifts, and skills.
My lay counseling sessions were quite possibly the most helpful, fruitful times of my life in terms of self-care and self-discovery. I was sad to see them end. Being a few weeks without them now, I am feeling the loss immensely. I greatly appreciate the time that helped me see the need for further counseling, therapy, or spiritual guidance.
My experience with the Lay Counseling Ministry (LCM) was amazingly restorative. I returned from a trip with my husband unable to sleep or control overwhelming panic and fear. I came to church feeling as if my sense of self had been shaken. I went to greet Ed. He read the grief and anxiety that enfolded me and encouraged me to contact the LCM. I was soon in touch with a kind and reassuring counselor. I met weekly with her to do my healing work. Having the experience of doing grief work and anxiety management within my All Saint home was particularly meaningful. LCM was a lifeline for me, a bridge over which I was able to move toward self-understanding, compassion, and healing.
I thought my lay counselor was exceptionally present to the process. Rarely have I worked with a therapist who is so strongly attentive and perceptive. She made space for me to tell my story, be my authentic self, and offered kind guidance and perspective. Amazing! Life changing. Transformative.
I was very pleased with my counselor. She helped me to begin a healing process. Betty* was extremely helpful with situations that I had embedded inside of me since childhood. As a result I have experienced much emotional pain. She helped me unburden most of my guilt and constantly provided additional resources to help me.
A friend introduced me to All Saints Church. Several years ago one of the priests gave my husband a healing shawl. He died unexpectedly at the beginning of this year. We had experienced numerous losses in our lives, but nothing can compare with losing my soul mate. My lay counselor was perceptive, dedicated, and absolutely genuine. She helped me through the darkest nights of my journey, always with gentleness and holiness. Although my journey is just beginning, I am very blessed to have her in my life. She has helped me to start the process of creating a new life while learning to honor my husband’s life and to stay connected with him in a different way. I have not stopped crying daily, so I am far from recovery. But my lay counselor has given me the strength I need to continue. Without her assistance I might be in a psychiatric ward. I am very appreciative of her time and guidance.