Every Sunday We Put Our Faith into Action at All Saints Church.
In these uncertain times navigating a global pandemic, now more than ever our continued advocacy for the world’s deep needs is crucial. As we continue to worship virtually, the Rapid Response Team (RRT) is choosing actions that can be done completely online from your web browser. While the current priorities are generally aligned with the acute needs of COVID-19 and the associated economic and social justice impacts, the RRT also considers actions that address pre-existing needs. The RRT meets every Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. by phone.
Thank you to all who are participating in our virtual action table each week, and we urge everyone to prayerfully consider each week’s action and join us in committing to improving our world.
Each week’s action can be found at https://allsaints-pas.org/actions/ or from the All Saints home page.
Rapid Response Team Chair: Craig Wilson
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for actions, please contact:
Thomas Diaz
(626) 583-2772
Upcoming Events
Every Sunday We Put Our Faith into Action at All Saints Church.
In these uncertain times navigating a global pandemic, now more than ever our continued advocacy for the world’s deep needs is crucial. As we continue to worship virtually, the Rapid Response Team (RRT) is choosing actions that can be done completely online from your web browser. While the current priorities are generally aligned with the acute needs of COVID-19 and the associated economic and social justice impacts, the RRT also considers actions that address pre-existing needs. The RRT meets every Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. by phone.
Thank you to all who are participating in our virtual action table each week, and we urge everyone to prayerfully consider each week’s action and join us in committing to improving our world.
Each week’s action can be found at https://allsaints-pas.org/actions/ or from the All Saints home page.
Rapid Response Team Chair: Craig Wilson
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for actions, please contact:
Thomas Diaz
(626) 583-2772