North Transept Window

One of the core values we claim at All Saints Church is “ethical stewardship.” According to Merriam Webster, one of the definitions of stewardship is “to take care of something” – and so one of the ways we live out ethical stewardship is by taking care of the church buildings and grounds which we have inherited from the generations who came before us.

That “taking care” has many facets – including preserving the infrastructure for the generations who will come after us – while through the Telling The Whole Story and PACES processes we discern how to update and transform both the building and grounds to meet the needs and challenges of growing into God’s future.

We will be taking another step forward in the preservation part of that stewardship mandate in January when – thanks to a designated bequest from Jo Drummond – the deferred maintenance on the stained glass window in the North Transept will begin. Scaffolding will arrive on January 4 and Judson Studios will begin the restoration process, which will take place over several months. Every effort will be made to create a process with as little disruption as possible. (Some of you will recall when that work was done in the past on both the east and west windows.)

The work is necessary to preserve the integrity of the window as the lead “caning” holding the glass in place over time starts to break down due to temperature changes, causing the glass to become loose and causing bowing. We are grateful for the generosity of Jo Drummond which is allowing us to fund this important preventative maintenance.

As we live into God’s future, we will continue to explore how to both re-imagine and diversify the iconography in this sacred space which is All Saints Church – for we believe that holy work is also part of our core value of ethical stewardship: taking care of that with which we have been entrusted in order to continue its purpose as a beacon of God’s love, justice and compassion.

For more information or questions contact Carmella Alexander.

