PACES: Step by step towards a safer, more welcoming All Saints

Over the very rainy first weekend of February, thirty-two of our youth gathered here at All Saints for their annual 30 Hour Fast. In addition to raising their awareness about hunger, it also raised their awareness about the multiple leaks in the roof of the Learning Center.

Fortunately our youth are resilient. And our facilities can be too – if we take care of them.

When your house leaks, you fix it. All Saints Church is no different. In addition to waterproofing, we are addressing deferred maintenance on our elevator, fire alarm system, and flooring to meet needs for safety, accessibility, and functionality.

The Vestry has formed a Buildings and Grounds task force: PACES (Planning And Campus Enrichment Strategies) to tackle this critical deferred maintenance and methodically plan for long-term improvements to make our church facilities safer, more functional, and more welcoming.

Starting MondayFebruary 11th, we’ll be replacing warped flooring in Sweetland Hall. Be on the lookout for more ways we are making All Saints a safer, more welcoming home!
