Participate in the US Census!

All Saints Church urges you to participate in the #2020Census! We’ll be working to ensure that our community is accurately represented. To learn about the upcoming census, visit We’ll be updating you regularly to keep you informed and remind you to particpate.

La Igelsia Todos Los Santos le pedi que participe en el censo #2020Census. Estaremos trabjando para asegurar que nuestra comunidad está representada. Para aprender sobre el censo, visitar Nos comunicaremos regularmente para mantenerte informado y recordarle que participe.

They Also Count
This PSA explains that no matter where you’re from, your nationality, your immigration status, or who you live with, for the U.S. Census, everyone counts.

Ellos También Cuentan
Este video explica que, no importa de dónde sea usted, su nacionalidad, su estas migratorio ni con quién viva; para el Censo del 2020, todos contamos.

For more information contact Juliana Serrano at 626.583.2734 or
