Pasadena Partnership’s 2020 Homeless Count

Pasadena Partnership’s Homeless Count, which provides a snapshot in time to quantify the size of the population experiencing homelessness at a given point during the year, identified 542 person experiencing homelessness in Pasadena in 2019. While the data reveals a decline in the number of persons experiencing homelessness (20% decrease from 2018), more needs to be done to address this social injustice. The count is critical to much needed funding for solutions by the city and service agencies.

Volunteers are needed, and All Saints invites you to consider volunteering for the 2020 Homeless Count. Every year All Saints is well-represented in the Count. Volunteers should be 18+ and are asked to attend an orientation to prepare for the Count on either January 13 or 14, 2020. The volunteer registration deadline is tomorrow, January 7, 2020. Volunteers will be assigned to a team of 2-3 to help count and administer an electronic survey to our neighbors experiencing homelessness on the night of January 21 (8:30-10:30 p.m.) and the morning of January 22 (6:00-8:00 a.m.).

To register or for more information please contact: or

