Prayers for Election Day

The late, great Walter Wink famously said “History belongs to the intercessors — those who believe and pray the future into being.”

On Election Day — Tuesday, November 6 — from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. All Saints Church is dedicating space for prayer and meditation — for intercessors to come together to believe and pray a future of love, justice and compassion into being.  Come by for a few minutes or a few hours to offer prayers for our nation, and particularly for the most vulnerable among us. Follow the signs directing you to the prayer space upstairs in the Learning Center … accessible by the elevator or stairs in Regas House.

And if you can’t be here in person, pray with us in spirit … using these or any other prayers of your heart.

And Vote. By all means, vote.

Prayers for Election Day

Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart and especially the hearts of the people of this land, that barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live in justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Loving God, creator of this world who is the source of our wisdom and understanding, watch over this nation during this time of election. Help us to see how our faith informs our principles and actions.

We give thanks for the right to vote. Help us to hold this privilege and responsibility with the care and awareness it merits, realizing that our vote matters and that it is an act of faith.

Guide us through this election as a nation, state, and community as we vote for people to do work on our behalf and on the behalf of our communities. Help us to vote for people and ballot initiatives that will better our community and our world so it may reflect the values Christ taught us.

Help us create communities that will build your kingdom here on earth — communities that will protect the poor, stand up for the vulnerable, advocate for those who are not seen and heard, and listen to everyone’s voice.

We pray for this nation that is deeply divided. May we come together for the common good and do as you have called us to do — to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you through creation. Help us act out of love, mercy and justice rather than out of arrogance or fear.

Loving God, continue to guide us as we work for the welfare of this world. We pray for places that are torn by violence, that they may know peace.

We pray for communities who are struggling with inequality, unrest, and fear. May we all work toward reconciliation with one another and with you.

Help us to listen in love, work together in peace, and collaborate with one another as we seek the betterment of our community and world.

— by Rev. Shannon Kelly, Missioner for Young Adult and Campus Ministries

I will light a light in the name of the Maker, who lit the world and breathed the breath of life for me.

I will light a light in the name of the Son, who saved the world and stretched out his hand to me.

I will light a light in the name of the Spirit, who encompasses the world and blesses my soul with yearning.

You are the Trinity of love: God above us, God beside us, God beneath us: The beginning, the end, the everlasting One.

Come Lord Jesus, be our guest,
Stay with us for day this day.

With friend, with stranger,
With young and with old,
Be among us.

Come close to us that we may come close to you.
Forgive us that we may forgive one another.
Renew us so that, where we have failed,
We may begin again. Amen.

This season in our history has not brought out the best in most of us. While democracy is an amazing thing, even a gift from above, sometimes the process of pitting people against each other results in less than truth and less than the love you told us to have for our neighbors.

This election has shown the deep anger, the deep dissatisfaction in this country. It’s shown in new ways the historic divides between races and the growing gaps between economic classes.We want to hang in there together in this big, beautiful country where no one group has all the answers. Show us how we need each other as we work toward something bigger than all of us.

Help us to try to do good for and with each other. Help us to at least be kind, to try to understand each other. For those of us who call ourselves Christians, help us to be examples of loving our neighbors as ourselves, even if we’re honestly mad as hell and can barely stand our neighbors.

Help us to practice these things today, on Election Day. We’ll really need your grace tomorrow as we start to live with the results.

— by Marshall V. King

Send us anywhere you would have us go, only go there with us.
Place upon us any burden you desire, only stand by us to sustain us.
Break any tie that binds us, except the tie that binds us to.
And the blessing of God: Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer – be with you,
those you love, serve and challenge, this day and always. Amen
