Presentation Sunday: January 7

To launch the new fiscal year, Presentation Sunday is the day when the names of all 2018 pledges (financial commitments for the year) received are blessed on the altar. This tradition honors and offers thanksgiving for all those whose financial commitments will sustain the mission and ministry of All Saints Church during the coming year.

On this Sunday, names of pledges already received for the year are printed on scrolls tied with colorful ribbons and carried to the altar during the offertory. For many others this is the long-awaited day to put their pledge card in the offering basket. For the latter, please remember to bring your completed pledge card with you to church or use one from the pew racks during the service. Then, when the offering basket comes by you can place it in the basket so it can be included in this special blessing. And of course, pledges received anytime during the year are both welcome and blessed.

At All Saints Church we give and pledge as a community of faith trusting in God. And we join together in our giving – in our pledge commitments – so that our collective generosity can affect our transformative mission in a much more impactful way than if we gave alone. God’s epic love story tells us that our giving, and all of our generosity, is from God. When we give, therefore, we are harnessing the innate spiritual core of our being. Giving syncs our hearts with the heart of God, and we become deeply connected with God, one another, and with the world as we make God’s love story tangible for all people.

The Finance Committee, Vestry and staff are working now to finalize our 2018 budget. Every pledge matters as we build our annual budget — there is still time to pledge online here.

Please contact Jim Loduha, Senior Director of Development and Giving, with any questions about giving or pledging at 626.583.2736 or
