Rector’s Forum August 18: Trauma-Informed Community-Based Care Project

“So I want us to think about this whole idea of trauma-informed community-based care as not just the parishioners within All Saints Church will be equipped to understand trauma on many levels, but that we are going to be equipping community participants to be able to then serve their communities.” ~ Brinell Anderson

“I want to talk just briefly about how this fits into our core values of radical inclusion and courageous justice. As we bring trauma awareness into our community, we will be better prepared to welcome and understand particularly those people most-likely to be traumatized by our culture. And that, in and of itself, helps us become more inclusive and welcoming — and also helps us to be aware of our radical interconnectedness.” ~ Sally Howard

Presentation by Brinell Anderson and Sally Howard in the Rector’s Forum at All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Sunday, August 18, 2019.

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