Rector’s Forum December 9: Crisis at Our Border

The crisis at our border continues to unfold as refugees and asylum seekers are met with troops and tear gas .

On Saturday, December 1st the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles — meeting for its 123rd Annual Convention — adopted a resolution that read in part:

• Resolved, that since the Diocese of Los Angeles voted in 2016 to become a sanctuary diocese, our government’s inhospitality has deepened toward to the refugee, asylum seeker, and immigrant worker, and it has failed to adopt humane, common-sense immigration reform;
• Resolved, that no nation can have secure borders without humane, common-sense immigration laws;
• Resolved, that the Diocese reaffirms its commitment to the principle of sacred resistance to any government policies and actions that grieve Jesus Christ’s heart of justice and compassion … [read the rest here]

And on Sunday, December 2nd Mike Kinman preached a powerful sermon — “How Did We Get Here?” — reflecting on the history that led us to this point and our call to live into the future as beacons of God’s love, justice and compassion.

Join us on Sunday, December 9th for Crisis at Our Border in the Rector’s Forum as Mike Kinman and Juliana Serrano facilitate an important conversation, digging deeper into both the challenge and opportunity of this moment in our nation’s history. Come learn more about what is happening at our borders and – even more importantly – what we can do to be agents of hope, healing and sacred resistance.

Sunday, December 9 | 10:15 a.m. in the Forum

For more information call 626.796.1172

[photo: @Kim Kyung-Hoon | Reuters]