Rector’s Forum, February 9: Off to the Oscars

“It’s good they’re [Netflix] getting these films made, it’s good, as the defenders of Netflix often say, that these films are playing all over the country. It used to be a film like ‘Marriage Story’ wouldn’t get to smaller cities. Maybe if you lived in, you know, Whitefish, Montana, your local theater would not play it. Now if you live in Whitefish you can turn on your TV, you can see it. So there’s a democratization that’s a real value. But if you love the theatrical experience, it’s sad to think of the theatrical experience going away. I think it’ll always be here for big films, for superhero films, for Marvel movies, for Pixar movies. People are willing to go to theaters for those. I’m afraid that eventually for smaller films, for foreign language films, for documentaries, for independent films, they may be gone — maybe not next week, but I think in x number of years we may not be able to see them in theaters.”

A presentation by Kenneth Turan in the Rector’s Forum at All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Sunday, February 9, 2020. (with apologies for the first 2:25 minutes of audio)

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