Religious Leaders Counter Franklin Graham Rose Bowl Event with Christian-Muslim Solidarity

Christian and Muslim leaders will hold a press conference to offer a rebuttal to the divisive rhetoric of Franklin Graham — the evangelical leader who claims that Islam is an evil religion and that the LGBTQ community is “stealing” children from families. The action will be held at 5 pm on Monday, May 21st at All Saints Church in Pasadena and is a direct response to Graham’s “Decision America California Tour” appearance at the Rose Bowl that evening.

“While the First Amendment inarguably protects Franklin Graham’s right to express his religious beliefs freely, we find it important to be clear that his speech is not in alignment with the values of the City of Pasadena,” said All Saints’ rector Mike Kinman in a May 18th letter to Pasadena City leaders.

“It is regretful that the world famous, iconic, public space of the Rose Bowl would be utilized to advance a message of divisiveness and condemnation. We hope that the City of Pasadena would do everything in its power to fight discrimination, bigotry, and bias while promoting equality, dignity and respect of ALL people.”

Instead of protesting Mr. Graham’s “Decision America” appearance at the Rose Bowl, All Saints Church is hosting a group of Muslims that evening for the iftaar (end of fast meal) during Ramadan – an event that will include a call to prayer at sundown, a shared meal and program. (All are welcome at the 7:30 p.m. eventdetails here.)

Speakers at the 5:00 p.m. press conference will offer interfaith messages of “radical inclusion” to counter the exclusivist dogma promoted by Franklin Graham. “When the language of faith is weaponized against any member of the human family it is critical that we stand together to protect all members of our human family,” said Kinman. “We will not let Franklin Graham speak for us.”

Where: All Saints Church, 132 N. Euclid, Pasadena
When: 5 pm, Monday May 21st
Who: Speakers include leaders of All Saints Church; Muslim Public Affairs Council; Islamic Center of Southern California

For more information email or call 626.796.1172
