Saint Francis Day: October 4

Sunday, October 4 is the Feast of Saint Francis, and while we will miss having our traditional happy chaos of pets-and-church-on-the-lawn, this year we will have two opportunities to bless and give thanks for the “creatures great and small” who enrich our lives and give us joy.

Join us for a Safe, Socially-Distanced, Blessing of the Animals! 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. — before our festive Feast of St. Francis service begins, we would love to see you and your pet – or a picture of your pet – for a safe, socially-distanced, blessing! Simply drive by the front of the church on Euclid (remain in your car) and we will bless your precious beasts from a safe 6 feet away.


Send in pictures of your favorite critter companion to by Wednesday, September 30 and we’ll include them in our Virtual Animal Procession at the 11:15 a.m. service.
