Sunday After Easter: Bishop Gene Robinson & Annual Meeting (Part Two)

Easter is a season not just a Sunday, and we’re going to celebrate all 50 Days of Easter — starting off on Sunday, April 16 with a visit from one of our favorite friends of All Saints Church, Bishop Gene Robinson. We are thrilled to welcome Bishop Gene back as our Forum speaker at 9:00 a.m. and as our preacher at 10:00 a.m. for a festival service which will include the sacrament of Confirmation for both adults and youth in our Seekers program. 

Following the service there will be a congregational reception on the lawn, including Latin Hour music, food and fellowship. Then at 12:15 p.m. we reconvene in the church for Annual Meeting, Part Two which will include the 2023 Budget presentation and a video look back at the last three years of the work and witness of All Saints Church — produced by communications director Keith Holeman. It will be a full, rich Sunday — mark your calendars because you’re not going to want to miss any of it!


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