January 9, 2020
Reflect Light into the Dark Places
“For liturgical Christians, candles on the Advent Wreath are part of the ritual of preparation for the coming
January 9, 2020
“For liturgical Christians, candles on the Advent Wreath are part of the ritual of preparation for the coming
December 22, 2019
“Oh my God! What do I call you?” Meditation by Youth Chamber Choir Members Kaylee Glawe, Phoebe Kellogg,
December 21, 2018
“God, like my incredible, remarkable, wondrous friend, did this crazy thing where they noticed us humans, figured out
December 14, 2018
The Apostle John tells of the coming of Christ into the world: “And the Word became flesh and
December 14, 2018
“…The colonizing church of New Zealand, which previously had forced its liturgy and theology on the native aboriginal
December 19, 2017
When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leapt in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy
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