Teach-In on The Islamic History of Israel/Palestine

On Sunday, December 17, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. in the Church, All Saints hosted another opportunity to learn more about the challenges facing Israel/Palestine.

Long-time Interfaith partner Salam Al-Marayati, president and co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, led us in a Teach-In on The Islamic History of Israel/Palestine.

“For centuries of Islamic rule, Jerusalem was a bastion of religious pluralism. This vital historical context has been erased from our social studies textbooks and is unknown in current social, religious and political culture in the US.

Join us as we explore the social understanding, political authority, and religious freedom that existed under Islamic rule from the 8th century until the 19th century when political Zionism began its effort through Western powers to create a Jewish state in Palestine.

An understanding of the Islamic narrative to the discourse is important for effecting peacemaking efforts, both within the interfaith community and among our decision-makers. Now more than ever, it is crucial for this narrative on Jerusalem and Palestine to be amplified as we unite around the globe in support of an end to violence and occupation in the region.” 

Panelists were:
Munir Shaikh, Bayan Claremont, Early Islamic history of Jerusalem/Palestine
Fayez Hammad, Ph.D, University of Southern California, Ottoman Palestine
Dr. Eba Hathout, MD, Harvard Medical School. President, The Hassan Hathout Foundation. 1948 – A Story of Freedom and Islamic Obligation for Palestine,
Dr. Laila Al-Marayati, MD, President, Kinder USA. US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Reflections on a Journey to Jerusalem and Dissent
• Moderated by: Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC President

Early Islamic history of Jerusalem/Palestine – Slides from the presentation of Munir Shaikh, Ph.D, Bayan Claremont
Dr. Laila Al-Marayati mentioned KinderUSA.
Video 1: BRITAIN IN PALESTINE 1917-1948
Video 2 that we weren’t able to play of US President Harry Truman
Here is a link to MPAC’s Palestine toolkit
Here is a survey of the December 17th Teach-In
