After months of weekly meetings, the Lawn Design Team is excited to continue rolling out the launch of the reconfigured quad lawn with our new Connection Center beginning Sunday, March 17.
Our primary intention of the quad lawn experience on Sunday morning is to connect people to their desired spot, whether a ministry, small group, person or experience. We are shifting away from the “ministry fair” style of tables to a Connection Center model that will have hosts that will listen to parishioners needs/wants and connect the parishioner to the person that will help them fulfill those wishes. Our goal is to present a unified picture of all that All Saints has to offer.
As a reminder, our three hubs on the quad are:
- The Welcome Center
- The Hospitality/Café Area
- The Connection Center
The Welcome Center and Hospitality Area are coming along nicely — and this Sunday we launch the Connection Center.
Who will go in the Connection Center:
- Pastoral Care Health and Healing
- Peace & Justice
- Parish Life (Congregational Development, Hispanic/Latino Ministry, CYF)
- Sign Ups for events
We plan to have two Connection Center Hosts staffing the Center to direct people and answer questions.
Every week the Featured Ministry will continue to have a dedicated table displaying their banner. As you may have noticed, the Featured Ministry of the week now joins the procession with their banner at the beginning of each service.
If you are interested in being a Connection Center Host, please call Christine Cox at 626.583.2765 or email her at to get more details. The qualities we’re most looking for in a Connection Center Host are: friendliness and being a good listener.
The Lawn Design Team has been working to answer all questions we receive and we know this is a work in progress. Some of the questions will only arise after we start the process. Your patience and flexibility is greatly appreciated during this transition. We will continually modify and improve the design as we move forward.
See you on the lawn!
The members of the Lawn Design Team are Blaine Cavena, Erica Tamblyn, Chris Runco, Kimberly Farnham, Will Gatlin and Nancy Naecker.