The Forum is Back!

On Sunday, October 10 at 10:15 a.m., we celebrate the return of The Forum!

The Forum at All Saints Church has a long history of bringing speakers with national and international influence to speak on issues that touch the hearts, souls and minds of members of All Saints Church and the wider community – as well as local leaders whose work and witness inspire.

We will spend October with a month-long conversation with theologians, scientists, artists, and activists offering an in-depth look at Public Health … and what it means for us as individuals, a church, a community and the world.

This Sunday we welcome Dr. Peter Mancall, Professor of History and Anthropology at USC.

COVID has proven that we are all connected globally — perhaps more than any event in human history. Theologically, we also believe this. What does it mean to live as a people in community? What has “the commons” been historically and what does it mean today? What implications does this have? What does it mean to live into a sense of public life?

Whether in-person or live online, join us for this incisive, timely discussion at 10:15 a.m. Sunday!

Rounding out October we’ll present Forums on:

Sunday, Oct. 17 – Health
What is health and what does it mean to be healthy?

Sunday, Oct. 24 – Public Health
Where did the concept of Public Health come from and what is happening to it? What is the current state of “health of the people”? Are we a healthy society? A healthy church?

Sunday, Oct. 31 — Public Health and Us
A community conversation about what this pandemic has taught us as individuals and All Saints Church about Public Health.
