The Tale of the Raised Bed Garden

Every week we feature one of the many ministries that make up the work and witness of All Saints Church. On Sunday, March 17 our Featured Ministry was the Holy Rakers … and Head Gardener Norma Pierson offers this “Tale of the Raised Bed Garden” to celebrate their work.

Things were bleak – and winter was upon me.  Out of the blue – on a magical Saturday – a group of amazing people carefully deconstructed me and piece by piece moved me carefully to an incredible new location – I am now an integral part of the comings and goings of this amazing church.

The process of being put back together made me stronger than ever! I am bursting with new life and potential, and greet each morning with Joy and Fellowship.  I am grateful to the love and committed fellowship of the Holy Rakers, and have love and gratitude for the All Saints Church Garden.




Photo: Norma Pierson, right, starting demo of raised garden beds in children’s area before relocation in front of Scott Hall. Carol Jung, left, April Talton, center. 
