The attempted coup at the Capitol on January 6 was not an isolated incident but the latest in the resurgence of forces whose goal is the destruction of Americam Democracy – particularly though the silencing and oppression of black and brown people in this county. Join us on Sunday, January 17 for This is Who We Really Are: White Nationalism, Christian Nationalism and the Future of Democracy — a very special Rector’s Forum with Jeanelle Austin, Andre Henry, Katherine Stewart and Steve Williams.
Steve Williams (ASC parishioner and documentary filmmaker), Andre Henry (Activist, musician and author), Jeanelle Austin (former director of the Pannell Center for African American Christianity at Fuller, and founder of the Racial Agency Initiative) and Katherine Stewart (author of THE POWER WORSHIPPERS: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism and of an opinion piece in Tuesday’s New York Times – The Roots of Josh Hawley’s Rage) will join us to talk about the roots this insurrection has in history and growing movements in conservative evangelicalism … and what we need to do to prepare to address it.
Sunday, January 17, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
For more information email
[photo: Susan Walsh/AP Photos]