This Sunday at All Saints: Presentation Sunday, November 19

Sunday, November 19th, is Presentation Sunday, when we present to the altar all of the pledges we have received to date. A heartfelt Thank You to the many of you who have already made your 2024 pledge. During the 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. services you are invited to bring your pledge card to the altar (or join in the procession if you have already pledged), in community, to be blessed with all the pledges we receive.  It will be a time to recognize God’s generosity in our lives and our commitment to the mission and ministry of All Saints Church. Plan to be part of the celebration!!!

Mike Kinman will preach at both 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. In the 10:00 a.m. service in the Church, Coventry Choir offers Agnus Dei from Mass for Five Voices by Byrd. Youth Chamber Choir offers Precious Moments by Todd. ASL interpretation is available at 10:00.

At 9:00 a.m. in the Forum: Following Gandhi in India and Nepal, Lessons in Nonviolence and Truth-Force for Today’s World, with Mike Kinman
From 1915 to 1948, Mahatma Gandhi travelled extensively around India, sparking the fires of revolution, and unifying the country for one of the greatest freedom struggles of all times. Join Mike Kinman as he shares his solo pilgrimage adventure and discovers Gandhi, the people he loved, and the ground his feet traveled.

Children’s Chapel during the 10 a.m. service!
Kindergarten through 5th graders! Come one, come all and join us for Children’s Chapel during the 10:00 a.m. service, where children will experience music, arts and crafts, meditations, storytelling, wiggly fun, spiritual practices for kids and so much more! Children’s Chapel is a space for your child to build church community with children their own age, celebrate diverse cultures and explore who/what God means to them. Here at All Saints, we encourage children and youth to show up as their fully authentic selves every day, ask questions and love one other fiercely through modeling it for them, first, and through our weekly discussions! It is never a dull moment in Children’s Chapel, so please join us! Parents are always welcome. Let’s celebrate and connect! For information please contact Nina Scherer at

Join Greeter Jenn McGaw in our Online Coffee Hour on Zoom following the 10:00 service.

From Noon – 1:00 p.m. in the Forum, join us for a Finance Town Hall Meeting, the first of our quarterly town hall meetings on the finances of All Saints Church. We will look back at the past year and ahead to 2024, examine giving trends, provide an update on our accounting procedures and policies, the status of our reserve funds and the work we are doing on economic sustainability and strategic planning. And of course, there will be time for your questions and thoughts. We will be having these in February, May and August 2024 as well. Come on down for an hour after church this Sunday.

At 5:00 p.m. on the Chancel, Transgender Day of Remembrance
On and around Nov. 20 across the world, people gather in solidarity to mourn those who have been victims of anti-trans violence, and to ensure that their lives, and deaths, are not forgotten. It allows us to call attention to the continued violence and discrimination persons of trans experience face every day, and serve as a reminder that the community of people of trans experience and their allies are resilient. Following the service we will have a private dinner and discussion for transgender people. At the same time all allies are invited for a group discussion. Information = Thomas Diaz, 626.583.2772 or

Streaming at 10:00 a.m. is offered on our website’s live stream pageour Facebook page and our YouTube channel. Check out our live streaming page to download service leaflets and take part in our action of the week.


For in-person worship, our guiding principle remains to follow common sense risk reduction guidance for as long as we remain in a declared public health pandemic, so to keep our community safe and well, our in-person worship guidelines include:

  • (as of 1/30/23) Because Los Angeles County, including Pasadena, currently have low levels of COVID-19, masks are recommended, but not required, for everyone indoors.
  • Masks are optional outdoors.
  • Both outdoor and indoor seating is available for services and communion will be served in both locations.
  • Our expectation is that those entering the church will be vaccinated (if vaccination is available to them)
  • Those who choose to be unvaccinated are requested to participate online.
  • Those seated indoors are asked to maintain social distance between individuals/households.
  • If we reach seating capacity in the church, ushers will guide you to alternative seating areas.
  • We ask you not enter if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever over 100.4°F or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or if you have had contact in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with or suspected to have COVID- 19.