This Sunday at All Saints: Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 9

On Sunday, May 9 we will celebrate the Sixth Sunday of Easter with the Rector’s Forum at 10 a.m. and services at 11:15 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. — livestreaming from All Saints Church where ministers of the liturgy will be observing the social distance and safety protocols dictated by health care professionals and in compliance with our diocesan guidelines. And while we all long for the time when we can safely return for in person congregational worship, being able to center our online service in our familiar and beloved sanctuary is one step toward that eventual goal.

The link for the Forum and both the 11:15 & 1:00 services is:

Rector’s Forum @ 10:00 a.m. – Telling The Whole Story: Civic Memory in Los Angeles
As with our nation, the full history of our region has often been buried or whitewashed. Last month,  Mayor Garcetti’s Civic Memory Working Group released its report ( with 18 key recommendations for telling the whole story of our history, particularly around race.  This Sunday, we will be joined in the forum by four members of the working group — two All Saints church parishioners, Bill Deverell and Becky Nicolaides; Christopher Hawthorne, (working group chair and chief design officer for Mayor Garcetti), and Gail Kennard (Los Angeles Cultural Commission), to discuss both the findings and the process … and what we can learn as we start telling our whole story as All Saints Church.

Chapel Time:
10:45 – 11:15
Interactive Children’s Chapel led by Kelly Erin O’Phelan invites all children and families to participate. If you have a candle available, be ready to light it! For information on joining Children’s Chapel, contact Kelly Erin O’Phelan at

11:00 – 11:15Meditative Chapel aims to be a liminal space between the hustle of life and household and a more tranquil, worshipful mindset. We’ll have a reading and a moment of meditation, you’ll just need yourself and a candle if you have one. The link for the chapel will be posted on the live streaming webpage on Sunday morning (

11:15 a.m. Service [English] – Mike Kinman preaches. Soloist Kimberly Poli offers music. 
1:00 p.m. Service [Bilingual Spanish/English] – Alfredo Feregrino preaches. Grupo Arroyo offers music.
