This Sunday at All Saints: Sunday, April 23

Covid-19 Protocols (as of 1/30/23): Because Los Angeles County, including Pasadena, currently have low levels of COVID-19, masks are strongly recommended, but not required, for everyone indoors. Masks are optional outdoors. 


This Sunday, April 23, we celebrate Earth Day with everyone’s favorite seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones!

Mike Kinman will preach at 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. At 10:00 a.m. Coventry Choir offers music. ASL interpretation is offered at 10:00 a.m.

There will be Children’s Chapel at the 10:00 a.m. service. Join us for Family Hour at 9:00 a.m.! All Saints’ Children, Youth, and Families department hosts “Family Hour” for parents and children (kindergarten through fifth grade) on Sundays, 9:00-10:00 a.m. Parents are welcome to participate or drop children off. Join us in the Learning Center (top floor of Regas House) for music, art, and fun! Let’s celebrate and connect! For more information, contact Ahren at

The Forum at 9:00 a.m. features Dr. Lucy Jones! As one of the world’s most recognizable seismologists, Dr. Lucy Jones has a unique talent for making even the most complicated of scientific concepts accessible to all audiences. In her 33 years as a seismologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, she was often deployed after earthquakes to comfort, counsel, and inform a rattled public. Through her decades of research and public advocacy for risk reduction, she has dramatically changed the way Californians prepare for and react to disasters – and so there is no one better to welcome to the ASC Forum on this Earth Day 2023 to inform and equip us to continue to grapple with the ongoing Climate Crisis. A life-long Episcopalian, Dr. Jones serves on the Bishop’s Commission on Climate Change here in the Diocese of Los Angeles … … helping us merge faith and science in our response to this looming, existential threat. Don’t miss this chance to be both inspired and informed by one of our most important voices on this critical issue.

Join Greeter Jenn McGaw in our Online Coffee Hour on Zoom following the 10:00 service.

At 7:30 p.m. in the Church, join us for Fauré Requiem!
The USC Chamber Singers will return to All Saints Church with a performance of the stunning Fauré Requiem, featuring Dr. Weicheng Zhao at the organ. This summer, Dr. Tram Sparks, Department of Choral and Sacred Music Chair and Conductor of the Chamber Singers, will headline a festival performance of the piece this June at Carnegie Hall in New York City with the USC Chamber Singers and several choruses from across the country. Come hear the ensemble’s solo performance of this masterwork! Coupled with the Fauré are other works by modern composers, especially Dr. Zanaida Robles, one of All Saints’ soloists for more than a decade. Other works by composers will be featured including USC’s own choral professor Nick Strimple, Los Angeles natives Shawn Kirchner and Moira Smiley, DMA Choral Music student and member of the ensemble Duncan Toumi, and Roderick Williams.

Streaming at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. is offered on our website’s live stream pageour Facebook page and our YouTube channel. Check out our live streaming page to download service leaflets and take part in our action of the week.


For in-person worship, our guiding principle remains to follow common sense risk reduction guidance for as long as we remain in a declared public health pandemic, so to keep our community safe and well, our in-person worship guidelines include:

  • (as of 1/30/23) Because Los Angeles County, including Pasadena, currently have low levels of COVID-19, masks are strongly recommended, but not required, for everyone indoors.
  • Masks are optional outdoors.
  • Both outdoor and indoor seating is available for services and communion will be served in both locations.
  • Our expectation is that those entering the church will be vaccinated (if vaccination is available to them)
  • Those who choose to be unvaccinated are requested to participate online.
  • Those seated indoors are asked to maintain social distance between individuals/households.
  • If we reach seating capacity in the church, ushers will guide you to alternative seating areas.
  • We ask you not enter if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever over 100.4°F or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or if you have had contact in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with or suspected to have COVID- 19.