This Sunday we are honored to welcome Tracey Lind — former Dean of Cleveland’s Trinity Cathedral and bona fide force of nature for love, justice and compassion. Tracey will be our preacher at 9:00 & 11:15 a.m and she and her wife Emily Ingalls will be our Rector’s Forum presenters at 10:15 a.m.
On Nov. 8, 2016 (Election Day), Tracey was diagnosed with the early stages of Frontotemporal Degeneration. This diagnosis hasn’t stopped her from fully immersing in what life has to offer — and what she has to give. Emily spent more than 20 years in commercial real estate and project management. She was an early proponent of sustainable buildings. In 2000, she championed the “greening” of Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland, helping to create the city’s first sustainable building. She now describes herself as “Chief Logistics Officer” responsible for managing a life and home turned upside down by dementia. Come and be inspired by their story, their witness and their courage.
“Friends, in 22 years of ministry and countless hours interviewing theologians, NY Times bestselling authors, etc, I have seldom been as moved as I was today. Tracey’s message is filled with honesty, courage, faith, and hope.” — Chip Edens, Christ Church Charlotte, NC
To learn more about Tracey’s work and witness, visit her website and check out her blog.
And then join us — in person or via our live-stream at 10:15 and 11:15 — for what promises to be an extraordinary morning of powerful witness to God’s transformative love.