Union Station Wins $50,000 from Grant Challenge!

Congratulations to Union Station for receiving $50,000 from the My LA2050 Grants Challenge! And thanks to all who participated in our July 19th ASC Faith in Action effort to support the crucial work of Union Station’s Community Allies Program.

Launched in response to the isolation and loneliness reported by families and individuals we served as they settled into their new homes, the program seeks to increase housing retention rates, improve community connection, and foster community integration of currently homeless families and individuals in bridge-housing and those that are formerly homeless in permanent supportive housing by providing social and recreational activities and pairing individuals with a supportive community volunteer ally.

As we continue to live out the Gospel imperative to meet the needs of the most vulnerable, we give thanks for amazing partners like Union Station … and for their decades of making God’s love tangible to siblings experiencing homelessness.

For more on the work of Union Station, visit their website.
And check out the history of Union Station — which began in 1973 through an initiative of All Saints volunteers.
