Update on the All Saints Church Sunday Schedule for 2022/2023 Program Year

Building on the groundswell of positive response to the consolidated Sunday worship schedule which began in June – and in consultation with staff, clergy, rector and wardens – the current schedule will continue into the new 2022-2023 program year.

Sundays at All Saints Church will include:
7:30 a.m. Eucharist in the Chapel (said service)
9:00 a.m. Forum presentation in the ASC Forum
10:00 a.m. Eucharist in the Church (choral service)
11:30 a.m. Fellowship for all on the ASC lawn

This schedule allows us to live into our core values of Joyful Spirituality as we gather across generations for lively, spirit-filled worship and celebration around the altar – which is the center of our life in Christ – and Radical Inclusion as we go from the table to the lawn for community and relationship building activities on the lawn each and every Sunday. It also reflects our commitment to Ethical Stewardship in making the best and highest use of staff, volunteer and resource capacity.

Consolidating our worship into one primary service at 10:00 a.m. has the added benefit of freeing our worship and liturgy teams to imagine and implement diverse and creative offerings at other times on a Sunday: building on our tradition of Evensongs, Taizé and Jazz Vespers services by creating new opportunities for multicultural engagement and inspiration we haven’t even thought of yet!

Our fall schedule kicks off with a series of special Sundays:
September 18: Homecoming – Our annual launch of the new program year with a festive party on the lawn.
September 25: Celebration of Ministries – The yearly festival of tables on the lawn with everything you ever wanted to know about the many vibrant ministries of All Saints Church.
October 2: Blessing of the Animals – Celebration of the Feast of Saint Francis with a blessing of the animals – all creatures, great and small – on the lawn.
October 9: “Imagine All Saints” – A community-wide opportunity for conversations imagining together how we can continue to grow All Saints’ mission and ministry into God’s future.

We are also excited about the return of our weekly Forums beginning Sunday, October 2, with a Get Out the Vote Forum featuring our colleagues from L.A. Voice. The 2022/2023 Forum Series will continue to inform and inspire with weekly offerings at 9:00 a.m. – including returning Forum Favorites Reza Aslan and Becca Stevens. One of the ongoing lessons we have taken from these last challenging years has been the need to remain nimble and responsive to the landscape that is shifting and changing under our feet. As we continue to grow into God’s future we will also continue to assess how we can best live into our core All Saints values and equip ourselves and each other to go out into the world as beacons of God’s love justice and compassion.
