Vestry Meeting Online on Tuesday, March 24

From Mike Kinman:

At 6 pm on Tuesday, March 24, the vestry of All Saints Church will meet online via Zoom Webinar. This will officially be the April Vestry meeting … the normal meeting takes place during Holy Week, so we are having it early.

All vestry meetings of All Saints Church are public and we welcome our parishioners to see their leaders in action. Normally, we reserve seats in Sweetland Hall for this. This technology makes it much easier. If you wish to sit in on our Vestry meeting, anytime after 6 pm on Tuesday, March 24, log onto Zoom on this link:

Please give your name and email when prompted so we know who is attending … same as if you were there in person. You will be admitted as an attendee. Like a normal meeting, you will have seat but not voice and vote (we won’t be able to hear your voice or see you). Unlike a vestry meeting, we will have a great chat feature that will let you talk with each other during the meeting.

The primary agenda item is how our congregation will respond to the COVID-19 epidemic. Please hold your leaders in prayer during this time.

See the agenda here.

Con el amor de Cristo,

