Vestry Notes: April 2, 2019

The Vestry of All Saints Church met on Tuesday evening, April 2. In addition to its regular agenda items of reports from committees and task forces, the vestry:

    • Approved the 2018 Parochial Report
    • Approved the appointment of Jim White to fulfill the unexpired term of Terry Knowles (who is joining the staff on April 16 are our Director of Giving & Stewardship)
    • Did a “deep dive” into the Four Foundation Goals (Welcome, Support, Vision & Inspiration)
    • Thanked retiring vestry members: Jay Belloli, Samantha Harris, Dana Jones, Gloria Pitzer, Jennifer Watts & Bob Whitson
    • Announced the appointment of a search committee to fill the open clergy position — chaired by Juan Mejia and Flor Quintanilla. 

As always, visitors are welcome at vestry meetings. The next meeting of the vestry is Tuesday, April 30 at 7pm in Sweetland Hall.
