Vestry Notes: January 23, 2018

The Vestry of All Saints Church met on Tuesday evening, January 23rd. In addition to the regular agenda items of reports from committees and task forces, the Vestry unanimously elected Dana Jones to serve a second term as Junior Warden. The Vestry/Staff Design Team offered an update on plans for the March 2-3 Vestry/Staff Conference — to be held this year in La Canada. And the Rector offered an update on the ongoing search processes for a new Director of Music and clergy staff member.

A significant portion of the agenda time was dedicated to conversation on the impact of and reactions to the ongoing Epiphany Preaching Series — A Season of Wisdom and Revelation — designed to amplify the prophetic voices of women of color both within the congregation and the wider community.

In addition to vestry and staff, the meeting was blessed with two visitors – who were invited to both observe and to contribute comments at the conclusion of the meeting. The next meeting of the Vestry is scheduled for Tuesday, February 13 at 7pm in the Forum. Visitors are always welcome.

For more information on the Vestry, visit our website page … where you can find minutes of past meetings and contact information and photos of current vestry members.
