Vestry Notes: June 5, 2018

The Vestry of All Saints Church met on Tuesday evening, June 5th. In addition to the regular agenda items of reports from committees and task forces, vestry action items included:

  • Welcoming Bishop John Taylor for a time of dialogue and conversation on the ongoing mission and ministry of the Diocese of Los Angeles in general and the role of All Saints Church in that work in specific. Bishop Taylor’s presentation was followed by Q&A time with vestry and staff.
  • Presentation by the Racial Justice Advisory Committee of recommendations to the vestry for implementation of the Racial Justice Resolution.
  • The rector introduced a 2019 proposed “budget timeline” which includes vestry/staff input into the budget process with a budget finalized by the end of January.
  • Senior Warden Mary Ann Ahart announced that we are engaging an organizational development consultant to work with the rector and staff as we continue through this transition phase from a long term rectorate to a new chapter of ministry.

As always, visitors are welcome at vestry meetings and we were blessed by a large group of visitors in the gallery. The next meeting of the vestry is Tuesday, June 26th at 7pm in Sweetland Hall.
