Vestry Notes: May 28, 2019

The Vestry of All Saints Church met on Tuesday evening, May 28, 2019. In addition to its regular agenda items of reports from committees and task forces, the vestry:

  • Heard an update on the upcoming UBE (Union of Black Episcopalians) Annual Conference being held in Los Angeles in July — and a “save the date” for the evening of July 24 when ASC will host the UBE Youth Service … with preacher Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.
  • Spent time doing a “deep dive” into progress reports on our Four Foundational Goals.
  • Sally Howard offered a report on our mandated reporting protocol which has been recently updated.
  • Discussed the PACES Campus tours planned for Saturdays and Sundays during the month of June to acquaint parish members and leaders with the challenges and opportunities of updating our campus facilities.
  • Received the good news from the clergy search committee team that we have 22 applicants for our two open positions and that interviews are starting this week.

As always, visitors are welcome at vestry meetings. The next meeting of the vestry is Tuesday, June 25 at 7pm in Sweetland Hall.
