Vestry Notes: November 5, 2019

The Vestry of All Saints Church met on Tuesday evening, November 5, 2019. In addition to its regular agenda items of reports from committees and task forces, the following actions occurred:

  • Dr. Wil Gafney opened the meeting by reading some passages from her Women’s Lectionary
  • …New Associate Rector Alfredo Feregrino was introduced to the Vestry. Sally Howard & Alma Stokes presented a prayer shawl to Alfredo
  • Hannah Earnshaw was approved by the Vestry to fill the unexpired term of Scott England, who has moved to New Mexico
  • …heard updates on the four foundational goals
  • Kimberli Hudson presented the Financial Audit for 2018, which was approved. The 2020 budget must be approved by February 18, so Vestry will meet February 4 to consider the draft budget and either approve it then or at a meeting two weeks later
  • …Vestry voted a change to All Saints’ Bylaws: Vestry terms hereafter will start in April instead of May — and youth members’ terms will end in March of their senior year in high school
  • …Director of Giving Terry Knowles reported the 2020 campaign is doing well. The pace of pledging is slightly behind last year’s, largely because several small gatherings of major donors occurred throughout October, slowing the pace at which those people have pledged
  • Juan Mejia reported regarding the Associate Rector Search. The Search Committee and some staff met with two candidates for the unfilled Associate Rector position and unanimously decided that neither was right for that position at All Saints at this time. The committee will reconvene to refine and update the job description. The goal is to have a new job description to post by January 2, and to select a candidate by June
  • Nancy Naecker, Director of Congregational Development, handed out “Vestry Greeting on the Lawn” sheets with updated campus maps with guidelines for Vestry members to greet people on the lawn, answer questions, engage, and listen — to find out what people are thinking about Vestry and church. Two Vestry members will greet on the lawn every Sunday, wearing purple buttons. Learnings will be discussed at vestry meetings
  • …Mike reminded everyone that Dr. Wil Gafney will be around for about a month, and her primary job is to write. She will be involved in two focus group meetings
  • …Finally, Mike announced that the Senior Warden for 2020-21 will be Juan Mejia!

Please join us for the next vestry meeting on Tuesday, December 3, at 7:00 p.m. in Sweetland Hall.
