Vestry Notes: October 2, 2018

The Vestry of All Saints Church met on Tuesday evening, October 2nd. In addition to the regular agenda items of reports from committees and task forces, highlights included:

  • Receiving and approving a “clean” audit for 2018
  • Calling for the formation of a committee to be charged with a long range capital improvement plan.
  • A “deep dive” in the work of the CYF (Children, Youth & Families) Department by Jeremy Langill
  • Discussing and adopting a “four point focus” plan for the coming program year
  • Approving Building & Grounds expenditures including elevator repair and flooring in Regas House
  • Vestry members making their pledges toward the 2019 budget

As always, visitors are welcome at vestry meetings. The next meeting of the vestry is Tuesday, November 13th at 7pm in Sweetland Hall
