Vestry Notes: September 11, 2018

The Vestry of All Saints Church met on Tuesday evening, September 11th. In addition to the regular agenda items of reports from committees and task forces, highlights included:

      • Heartfelt thanks to Jim Loduha who is stepping down as Director of Giving to pursue a new career opportunity at Cal State Los Angeles. (pictured above)
      • The election of Edna Trigg to fill the unexpired term of Valerie Coachman-Moore.
      • The announcement that Marianne Ryan will be coming on staff as a part-time interim Director of Giving.
      • A “deep dive” presentation by Juliana Serrano on the history and work of the OCC (Office for Creative Connections) and Peace & Justice Ministries.
      • Updates on the play-structure in process on the north lawn and on the ongoing work to create maximally inclusive restroom spaces on the All Saints campus.
      • The good news that the search for an assistant youth minister is down to two candidates.
      • As always, visitors are welcome at vestry meetings. The next meeting of the vestry is Tuesday, October 2nd at 7pm in Sweetland Hall
