Videos: Sunday Morning Live, Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sermon @ 11:30 a.m., on Sunday, November 21, 2021: From Rizpah to Rittenhouse: We Are More or Less the Same … and the Fighter Still Remains

Just as we have moved from enslavement to mass incarceration, we have moved from crucifixion to lynching to extrajudicial executions by police and vigilante enforcement of white supremacy.

After changes upon changes, we are more or less the same.

After changes, we are more or less the same.

The court told us what we already knew. The world is not safe if you have black or brown skin. Expect no police officer to spare you. Expect no court to protect you. This is state-sponsored and state-sanctioned terrorism.  It has an ancient history. They used it against Armoni, Meshibosheph and Jesus and they are using it today. It’s been three thousand years since Rizpah kept her lonely vigil on that hill and bent a king to her will. Her body has long since gone down to the dust … and yet she is the mother of movements and she calls to us still.”

Sermon by Mike Kinman from worship at 11:30 a.m. on Reign of Divine Love Sunday, November 21, 2021 at All Saints Church, Pasadena. Readings: II Kings 24:8, 11-17 and Matthew 27: 11-14, 27-37. Read the text of the sermon here.

Forum @ 10:15 a.m., Sunday, November 21, 2021: Racial Justice at All Saints Church

The ASC vestry has recognized dismantling white supremacy and becoming actively anti-racist as “this generation’s work of the church” … and to that end the vestry and program staff is spending the year in intensive anti-racism training with the California Conference on Equality and Justice ( On Sunday, November 21, 2021 in the Forum at 10:15 a.m., Daniel Solis, CCEJ associate executive director and leader of the team training ASC leadership, joined us along with senior warden Monique Thomas and Barbara Andrade DuBransky, member of the ASC Racial Justice Advisory Board, to talk about the work we are doing, put it in the context of ASC’s racial justice resolution, and talk about the role of the congregation.

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